For Cisco C170, M170, and S170
Cisco 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X,
5555-X Adaptive Security Appliances
Cisco IPS 4345 and 4360
3 Attach Inner Rails to the Chassis
Align one of the inner slide rail key holes over the chassis
shoulder screw on one side. Slide the inner slide rail forward so
that the shoulder screw is securely in place.
Use a Phillips screwdriver to secure the inner slide rail with one
Phillips flat-head screw
Secure the other inner slide rail to the chassis by repeating the
previous steps on this page.
4 Verify the Rack Type
The slide rails are pre-assembled for square hole racks. See the
following steps for the different rack types:
Threaded hole racks. Go to “Threaded Hole Racks” on
The following figure shows the slide rail with square hole rack
5 Round Hole Racks
Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the square insert from
the rear of the rail. Keep the two Phillips head screws.
Remove the square insert from the front of the rail. Keep the
two Phillips head screws.
Align the round hole insert
to the rear of the rail, and secure
it with two of the saved screws.
Align the round hole insert
to the front of the rail over the
hooks, and secure it with two of the saved screws.
6 Threaded Hole Racks
Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the square hole insert
from the rear of the rail.
Remove the square hole insert from the front of the rail.
Align the threaded hole bracket
to the front of the rail over
the hooks. Secure it with the threaded hole standoff
flat-head screwdriver.
using a
No additional hardware is necessary for the rear adapter.
Repeat these steps page for the other slide rail. Go to the“Attach
7 Attach the Outer Slide Rail to
Round and Square Hole Racks
Align the front of one of the outer slide rails with the rack
upright, push it forward, and click it into place. Align the rear
of the outer slide rail with the rack upright, pull the release tab,
push the slide rail toward the rack, release the tab, and click it
into place.
For racks shorter than 24 inches in depth, remove the
rear bracket with a Phillips head screwdriver, pull the
release tab, and adjust the slide rail to the appropriate
length for the rack.
Front of
Rear of
Rear of
Secure the other outer slide rail to the rack by repeating the
previous steps.
8 Attach the Outer Slide Rail to
Threaded Hole Racks
Align the slide rail to the front rack post. Secure it with two of
the included Phillips pan-head screws
Align the slide rail to the rear rack post. Secure it with two of
the included Phillips pan-head screws
Align the other slide rail to the rack by repeating the previous
steps on this page.
10 Secure the Chassis
Secure the chassis to the rack with the front captive screws.
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